Rhandi Ingot

To'ng Sash'osho
Born into one of Vesteria's few remaining wealthy families, Rhandi was only nine when the entourage that she was traveling with was ambushed by the undead.  Her family and the entourage slaughtered almost to a man, Rhandi was saved by one of her father's gundar slaves.  On the run from the undead, Rhandi and the gundar encountered a mercernary band that decimated the undead pursuing them and took her in as their own.

Rhandi has made quite a name for herself in the world of Vesteria.  Though never one to settle down with just one employer, Rhandi's blades, once bought, remain bought until the end of the assignment, no matter the cost.  Many of the nobility that remains on Vesteria are aware of her, as she has saved their collective hides more than once. 

It was during one of these royal assistance jobs that she made the acquaintance of To'ng and Panda.

Like many inhabitants of Vesteria, To'ng does not remember or care about the whereabouts of his natural parents.  He was raised from his earliest memory at the Temple of the God of War, one of the few remaining gods that still have worshippers in Vesteria.  Trained as a monk, To'ng refuses to use any weapon other than his natural body weaponry and a bow.

As adulthood beckoned, To'ng found the desire to wander the world more than he could resist, so he signed with a mercernary group for extra protection from the dangers of the world.  During the seige of Ogire, To'ng made the acquaintance of Rhandi and Panda. 

Rhandi entrusted the safety and instruction of Panda to To'ng after Ogire, and the three have remained fast friends ever since.

Born to the mining gundar of Ogire, Panda knew little about the outside world.  His entire life consisted of sleeping, waking, eating, and mining.  His parents taught him only the most rudimentary of skills to survive upon, since life in the mines required only the knowledge of how to swing the mining tools and where to hit. 

The seige of Ogire started in the mines, and Panda was forced to realize just how different the outside world really was.  After all, the dead from within the mine had never before risen up and attacked... the transition from mining gear to weaponry came easily, however, and Panda's strength and hidden intelligence became very apparent to the human leading the defense of Ogire. 

After the seige, the human female instructed him to follow an elf by the name of To'ng and learn everything he could from the man.  Panda readily agreed, and reveres Rhandi and To'ng as family moreso than friends.
Rhandi was inspired by Pimpette

To'ng was inspired by Phact0rri

Panda was inspired by K-Dawg

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