About the comic itself:

Knights of Vesteria, by Matt Summers (Net) and Tom Fraser (Tdot), is based off of the writing Knights of the Corn, written by Matt Summers.  The story was originally written for the members of the Cornstalker Community and, though it's still continuing at the moment, will have been changed significantly by the time it reaches comic form.  This is done so that a) the current readers of the story will still have plenty of surprises waiting for them and b) Net's just evil that way.

A warning about the story if you haven't already figured it out; people will die.  There will be violence.  There will be swearing.  There might be sex.
 <_<      >_>
Ok, maybe not so much on the sex, but there will likely at least be some nudity... unless Tdot does manage to draw up the Mihoko & Seline scenes before Robin kills him. 

About the creators:

Matt Summers, or Net as he's known on most of the forums he frequents, has been writing since he was fourteen or so, and now really doesn't want to consider just how LONG of a length of time that really is... Though all of his online comics are currently fantasy comics, Net does write science fiction and horror as well (though technically KoV is a mix of fantasy and horror...).  He has written two novels and a myraid of short stories, and anyone that would like to consider offering him publication for said novels is likely to get a very happy christmas card in the mail for the rest of time.

Tom Fraser, or TdotOdot2k as he's been calling himself online since late 1999, has been doodling since he was old enough to lift a pencil. He's never taken any art classes, and is entirely self-taught. He's been webcomicing since 2003, starting with Invocation, which was his testing grounds to launch Elvenbaath in 2005. After some troubles, Tom put Elvenbaath on hiatus, and has been working on Knights of Vesteria since.

Tom loves life, but more importantly, he loves Elven Women. If you can tell him where to procure such a wonderous glory, he'll worship you until the end of time. That or kill you, and keep the secret for himself. Whichever. Tom really likes fanart. Keep that in mind, if you'd like to live beyond 2007.

Knights of Vesteria is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.